PhoneWarrior: 智能垃圾短信拦截应用是印度的一款智能手机垃圾来电和短信拦截应用支持安卓、黑莓和iOS;到目前为止,Phone Warrior在印度、印尼和英国等市场的应用下载量已超过100万次。
Phone Warrior到目前为止已拦截超过2700万次垃圾来电和短信。Phone Warrior的数据库中目前有3亿个号码,而每周新增约1000万个号码。目前,Phone Warrior的基础应用可以免费下载。当用户数达到1000万之后,该公司可能会改变做法。此外,黑莓手机的高级版应用目前年收费3美元。
Phone Warrior is a FREE Caller ID, Call and SMS Blocker based on the principles of crowd sourcing and machine learning.
Phone Warrior is the only comprehensive application which takes care of all your Mobile Spam (Calls as well as SMS) and at the same time empowers you with the caller information through its rich Global Phone directory.
Phone Warrior works on the principles of machine learning and crowd sourcing and provides a complete Spam guard on your mobile. Through its 100 million + global phone directory it promises details on caller name, location and any associated spammer information every time you receive / make a call to an unknown number.